the advent of biologic therapy and other recent advancements in our

the advent of biologic therapy and other recent advancements in our understanding of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) rates of clinical relapse poor quality of life psychosocial dysfunction hospitalization and surgery remain unacceptably high. research and QI agenda that includes basic science clinical efficacy clinical effectiveness comparative effectiveness health services research and QI.(9) As there are relatively small numbers of patients at any given center highly coordinated collaborative efforts are required to determine which interventions are most promising and how those interventions can most reliably be delivered. However rarely do professional societies foundations authorities agencies and individuals and their families work together to establish and implement an integrated study agenda. One reason for the sluggish improvement in results is widespread variance in the management of IBD due to a lack of consensus on best management methods and inadequate care delivery systems.(10) Inappropriate variation in pediatric (and adult) IBD care has been well recorded with studies showing inadequate dosing of medications failure to display for potential complications according to established guidelines and inconsistent use of effective therapies.(10 11 Recent study suggests that QI interventions can decrease variance in care and improve results (12) however significant space for improvement remains. Dougherty and Conway(9) proposed a model to organize study efforts transform health care LG 100268 delivery and improve results. In their model 3 major translational methods (T1 T2 and T3) would happen with each step gradually building on and broadening the findings in prior methods. Specifically therapies found out through traditional fundamental biomedical technology would undergo evaluation to determine medical (T1). Therapies that showed effectiveness in well-defined populations would be subject to results comparative performance and health solutions study to determine whether they showed in broader populations (T2). Clinically effective therapies could then be analyzed LG 100268 to determine how best to implement scale and spread them in medical practice how to increase the reliability of providing such therapies and the value associated with each (T3). Achieving the best possible results for individuals would only be achieved by maximizing attempts at each translational step. Implementing such a model requires significant assistance among interested stakeholders including individuals experts clinicians improvement professionals regulators and governmental and foundational funding agencies. In order to accomplish this essential step “Discovering the Future of Pediatric IBD Care” was held October 17th 2012 in Salt Lake City. Invited loudspeakers included users of NASPGHAN the Crohn’s and Colitis Basis of LG 100268 America (CCFA) the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and individual and parent associates. The organizing committee was comprised of Wallace Crandall (Chair) Bob Baldassano Athos Bousvaros Ted Denson Neera Gupta and Laura Mackner. Objectives The overall objectives of the symposium were to bring together stakeholders to review state of the art LG 100268 study and therapy in pediatric IBD and to explore and define a combined study and quality agenda for the next 5 years that may result in improved results for these individuals. Specific aims of this symposium included: Bring together fundamental translational medical and QI pediatric IBD experts MAD2B and clinicians to share their work and consider areas of synergistic collaboration Inform the wider community of pediatric gastroenterologists of existing study in pediatric IBD particularly regarding currently funded study Provide support network and potential collaboration to young investigators interested in pediatric IBD Communicate current state of the art medical therapy in pediatric IBD Define prioritize and widely communicate a future study and QI agenda for pediatric IBD Specific Program It is not feasible to review all current pediatric IBD study in one symposium. We consequently organized the meeting around 5 topics that share 3 common qualities. First each topic offers obvious medical implications for improving IBD care. Second modules were generally based on currently funded study. Finally topics were selected so that each part of translational study explained by Dougherty and Conway was displayed to allow experts and clinicians to begin to.