Data Availability StatementThe following information was supplied regarding data availability: Li, Yuhong (2018): raw data for sFRP4 and hair follicle-R1. application to treat hair follicle regeneration disorders. 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results sFRP4 is usually expressed in human and mouse hair follicles At first, we detected the endogenous expression of sFRP4 in human scalp skin by immunofluorescence. In epidermis, sFRP4 was expressed in all the layers (Figs. 1AC1C). In the human hair follicle, sFRP4 was strongly expressed in the inner root sheath (IRS) and the outer root sheath (ORS), weaker in the hair shaft (HS) and pre-cortex (Figs. 1DC1I). Open in a separate window Physique 1 The expression of sFRP4 in human scalp.(ACC) The expression of sFRP4 in epidermis. (DCF) The expression of sFRP4 in the bulge area of Rabbit Polyclonal to ABCF2 hair follicles. (GCI) The expression of sFRP4 in the hair bulb area of hair follicles. The nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. C, F and I represent the merger of A and B, D and E, and G and H, respectively. Ep, epidermis; HS, hair stem; ORS, outer root sheath; IRS, inner root sheath; Co, precortex; DP, dermal papilla; Scale bar = 50 m. Then we detected the expression pattern of sFRP4 in mouse dorsal skin. Among all the hair cycle stages, sFRP4 was widely expressed in the hair follicle (Figs. 2AC2I). In anagen, nearly all the hair follicle structures can be observed. Double-labeling immunostaining further confirmed that sFRP4 was expressed at the ORS (K14 positive) and IRS (K10 positive) region in anagen hair follicles. The expression of sFRP4 was also detected in the IRS precursors and hair matrix region of mouse hair follicles (Figs. 2JC2Q). Open in a separate window Physique 2 The expression of sFRP4 in mouse dorsal skin.(ACI) The expression of sFRP4 (red color) in hair cycle. (ACC) Postnatal day 8, anagen. (DCF) Postnatal day 868540-17-4 16, catagen. (GCI) Postnatal day 21, telogen. (JCM) The expression of sFRP4 (red color) and K14 (green color) in anagen mouse skin. (NCQ) The expression of sFRP4 (red color) and K10 (green color) in anagen mouse skin. C, F, I, M and Q represent the merging of A and B, D and E, G and H, JCL and NCP, respectively. The nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Level bar = 50 m. sFRP4 inhibits the growth of hair follicle in vivo The expression pattern of sFRP4 in hair follicle suggests that sFRP4 may play some functions in hair follicle cycle. To find out the functions of sFRP4 in hair follicle cycle and hair follicle regeneration, we induced synchronized hair growth by depilation and injected sFRP4 protein intradermally into the mouse dorsal skin (Fig. 3A). At 2 days after injection, 868540-17-4 the regeneration of the hair follicle was inhibited. However, the regeneration of the hair follicle was not blocked, it went on growing after the shot of sFRP4 ended 868540-17-4 (Figs. 3CC3J). We also assessed the distance of hair roots in the images of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining with Picture Pro Plus 6.0 software program. Statistical analysis uncovered that hair roots in the sFRP4-injected group demonstrated decreased locks duration at 4 times after depilation (Fig. 3B). Open up in another window Body 3 sFRP4 inhibited the development of locks follicle.(A) The functioning model for the pet experiment. The hairs of 7-week-old mice had been depilated, and sFRP4 was injected. The examples were attained at time 2 and time 4 post shot. (B) The distance of regenerated hair roots in PBS-treated or sFRP4-treated 868540-17-4 mouse epidermis. = 3, * 0.05. (CCJ) H&E staining shows the framework of hair roots in the sFRP4-treated or PBS-treated mouse epidermis. D, F, J and H will be the enlargements from the framed region in C, E, G and I, respectively. 2d-PBS, 4d-PBS, 2 or 4 times after the shot of PBS. 2d-sFRP4, 4d-sFRP4, 2 or 4.