Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is usually associated with increased cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality. predictor of OSA. Endocan levels correlated with OSA severity (measured from the apnea-hypopnea index [AHI]). After 3 months of CPAP treatment endocan levels significantly decreased. Endocan levels were significantly and individually correlated with cIMT and FMD after multiple modifications. The cIMT and FMD also experienced significant and self-employed correlation with AHI. Endocan might be a useful marker for the predisposition of individuals with OSA to premature vascular disease. test or Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the 2 2 self-employed organizations relating to distribution state. If checks of normality were met one-way analysis of variance was used to compare more than AZ628 2 organizations having a post hoc Tukey’s honest significant difference test and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used when checks of normality failed. In cases where the Kruskal-Wallis test yielded a statistical significance post hoc analysis was performed to identify the organizations which showed variations by Bonferroni-corrected Mann-Whitney test; the cutoff level of α error was reduced to 0.05/(quantity of tests; Bonferroni correction). Correlations between levels of circulating endocan and AHI cIMT and FMD were determined by Pearson correlation. Endocan and cIMT ideals were natural log-transformed because they were not normally distributed. Univariate associations between continuous baseline characteristics and the presence of OSA were assessed with logistic regression analysis. The Wald test was used to obtain logistic regression analysis parameters. In all multivariate models backward stepwise selection was used to derive the final model and significance levels of 0.2 were chosen to include the variable. Variables that correlated significantly with endocan levels in univariate analysis (Pearson correlation) AZ628 were included in a backward stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. In these models we pressured hypertension dyslipidemia and C-reactive protein (CRP) as covariates to adjust for his or her potential effects on endocan. The CRP was natural log-transformed. The area under the curve (AUC) and receiver operating characteristics (ROCs) for endocan were analyzed to differentiate OSA from your settings. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software (version 21.0; IBM Corporation Armonk New York). A 2 sided < .05 was considered significant. Results A total of 40 individuals with OSA and 40 settings were recruited; FOXO1A 14 individuals experienced moderate OSA AZ628 and 26 experienced severe OSA. There were no significant intergroup variations in relation to age sex BMI and smoking status. The variations in the percentage of diabetes dyslipidemia and hypertension demonstration between the organizations did not reach statistical significance. As expected individuals with OSA experienced a higher ODI and arousal index and tended to have a higher ESS score. No significant intergroup variations were seen in terms of fasting concentrations of glucose high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides or the AZ628 putative inflammatory markers (eg fibrinogen and CRP). Serum endocan levels were significantly different across the organizations (<.001). There were significant variations among the organizations in the cIMT (< .001) and FMD (<.001). Patient characteristics PSG laboratory and USG data are demonstrated in Table 1. Table 1 Patient Characteristics PSG Laboratory and Ultrasonography Data Relating to Severity of OSA. Relationship Between Endocan Levels and AHI cIMT and FMD In Pearson correlation there was a significant positive correlation between serum endocan levels and AHI AZ628 (= 0.714 <.001) and cIMT (= 0.603 <.001) while shown in Numbers 1 and ?and2 2 respectively. However there was a significant inverse correlation between endocan levels and FMD (= ?0.529 <.001) while shown in Number 3. Number 1 Correlation between serum endocan and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI). Serum endocan was correlated with AHI using Pearson correlation in the total AZ628 cohort (n = 80; = 0.714 and <.001). Number 2 Correlation between serum endocan and carotid intima press thickness (cIMT). Serum endocan was correlated.